Dolphins in Israel
A population of dolphins lives permanently along Israel's Mediterranean coast. About 300 of them are dolphins known to our researchers, who follow them by going on marine surveys and collecting data as part of a long-term study since the late 1990s.
The Israeli dolphin population is divided into two main species: the common dolphin and the common dolphin.
The identified dolphins from the common dolphin population have been given names, but ten common dolphins, living in a security reserve between Ashdod and Ashkelon, still carry a number instead of there, and are waiting for you to give it to them.
How do you recognize a dolphin? The wild dolphins living along the coast of Israel were identified by the researchers through photo identification, based on the side image of their dorsal fin, which is a kind of "fingerprint" of the dolphin. Over the years, the dolphin's dorsal fin takes shape and signs are added to it (such as scratches and cuts) and this is how the researchers manage to identify it and track it over time. The photographs are taken as part of the research cruises (population surveys) of the Maurice Kahn Marine Research Station on behalf of the University of Haifa, which take place every week on a regular basis, and are cataloged by the researchers in the identification catalog. This method is one of the main methods used to research marine mammals in the world, and through it you can collect a lot of data on the dolphin population.
through donation bThe crowdfunding campaign of Delphis you can win that a dolphin will be named after you and thus contribute to the promotion of marine mammal research in Israel. The person the dolphin is named after will receive an update from us on observations that are being carried out as part of the research and of course also a certificate of appreciation from us for his important contribution.
We will be happy to call the dolphins by the names of the donors. It can also be a great gift for a loved one!